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First of all: Is CBD marijuana?

No, CBD is NOT marijuana.
Until recently, the best-known compound in cannabis was delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Marijuana contains both THC and CBD, but these compounds have different effects. THC creates a mind-altering "high" when a person smokes it or uses it in cooking.

CBD (Cannabidiol) is different. Unlike THC, it is not psychoactive and does not change a person's state of mind when they use it. However, CBD does appear to produce significant changes in the body, and research has shown that it may have medical benefits.

Know Your CBD Source

CBD may be generated from two different species of Cannabis plants. Marijuana, or Cannabis Indica plant (which is still Federally labeled as a Class 1 Drug) will produce CBD Oil but contains up to thirty percent (30%) THC. However, our CBD Oil is derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant containing only point three percent (.3%) THC, which is required to be legal. With our partner’s proprietary process they have reduced the THC level to a non-detectable or zero percent (0%) THC for our products.

We have partnered with the largest Cannabinoid producer in America that has the largest exclusive hemp farms located throughout the USA in states that have a US Farm Bill-Compliant program. By using on-site and third party batch testing, we are able to ensure accurate levels of phytocannabinoids and confirm the absence of THC in our products. Doing so has given us seed-to-sale traceability ensuring the highest quality CBD Oil.


Indica leaves are much wider, with the largest leaves having fewer leaflets than the largest sativa leaves, at seven to nine leaflets. Indica leaves are commonly deep olive-green, and the plants are relatively short, conical and densely branched. This is a high THC plant with levels ranging up to 23%.

Sativa leaves and plants are long and slender, with pronounced serrations, giving the leaves a jagged, almost spiky appearance. The coloration of sativa leaves ranges from bright, lime green to blackish-green at the darkest. The largest plants can have up to thirteen leaflets. This is a low THC plant with levels ranging between .3% to .4%.

Ruderalis leaves and plant is much smaller than the Indica and Sativa, with the largest plants may contain anything from five to thirteen leaflets. This low THC plant is most commonly bred with the Sativa plant for hardiness, while still maintaining the medicinal effects of Sativa plant.

The differences between the three main types of CBD used in products

Full-spectrum CBD contains CBD as well as flavonoids, natural fatty acids found in hemp, terpenes and other cannabinoids such as CBG, CBN and trace amounts of THC (.3%). All these naturally-occurring elements have their own therapeutic value. Full-spectrum products are by far the most common. One reason is that Full-spectrum CBD uses the “entourage effect:” the interaction of the compounds to synergistically magnify the therapeutic benefits of the plant’s individual components - so that the medicinal impact of the whole plant is greater than the sum of its parts.

Broad-spectrum CBD products contain an array of cannabinoids and terpenes but zero THC. Think of Broad-spectrum CBD as Full-spectrum without the THC. To create Broad-spectrum CBD, manufacturers will put their products through additional processing to isolate and remove as much of the THC as possible while preserving the other natural cannabinoids and terpenes. Broad -spectrum CBD is an excellent choice for individuals that can’t have any traces of THC in their system; whether for medical, personal or legal reasons. Reducing the THC to non-detectable (.003%) does not affect the “entourage effect” and makes for a cleaner and safer product.

CBD Isolate is typically the CBD product of choice for those who are sensitive to other cannabinoids such as THC. Isolates are just that – CBD isolated from all other cannabinoids. During the CBD isolate extraction process, everything contained in the plant matter is removed, including any traces of THC, terpenes, waxes, oils, chlorophyll, terpenes and other cannabinoids. What’s left is 99% pure CBD. Isolates are primarily used in edibles; i.e. CBD Gummies, Capsules, Tinctures, etc.

CBD health benefits may include:

Improved mood disorders
CBD works directly on the brain receptors 5HT1A (serotonin) and GABA (an inhibitory neurotransmitter). Lower levels of these can contribute to anxiety and depression.

Authors of a review from Neurotherapeutics found that CBD may help to reduce anxiety in people with certain behaviors, such as:

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • General Anxiety Disorder
  • Panic Disorder
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Lowering inflammation (Joint, muscle, etc.)
Suppresses cytokine production and induces T-regulatory cells to protect the body from attacking itself, which can help autoimmune conditions.

Decreasing chronic pain (Arthritic, mental, etc.)
Inhibits transmission of neuronal signaling through pain pathways. Authors of a study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine found that CBD significantly reduced chronic inflammation and pain in some mice and rats.

Aiding gut health
Helps heal the leaky junctions that contribute to intestinal permeability and decreases spasmodic activity common in irritable bowel syndrome.

Quitting smoking and drug withdrawals
Some promising evidence suggests that using CBD may help people to quit smoking. A pilot study published in Addictive Behaviors found that smokers who used inhalers containing CBD smoked fewer cigarettes than usual and had no further cravings for nicotine. A similar review, published in Neurotherapeutics found that CBD may be a promising treatment for people with opioid addiction disorders.

The researchers noted that CBD reduced some symptoms associated with substance use disorders, including: anxiety, mood-related symptoms, pain, and insomnia.

Type 1 Diabetes
Research published in 2016 by Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation found that CBD may ease the
inflammation in the pancreas caused by the immune system.

A paper presented in the same year in Lisbon, Portugal, suggested that CBD may reduce inflammation and protect against or delay the development of type 1 diabetes.

A 2014 study published by the Journal of Clinical Investigation found that CBD may help lower the production of sebum that leads to acne, partly because of its anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

NOTE: This is not a comprehensive list of possible benefits as research is ongoing.

The Endocannabinoid System

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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